Refresh and hydrate the delicate vulva area on the move, with our certified microbiome-friendly mist. New Zealand red seaweed, chamomile, witch-hazel, and New Zealand mamaku extracts are formulated to offer a gentle, soothing, and enriching cleanse.
The MyMicrobiome Standard evaluates cosmetic and personal care products, that encounter the skin or mucous membrane, in terms of their influence on the microbiome located at a specific body site.
An intact skin microbiome has a fundamental influence on skin health. Products which are to be skin-friendly must also be Microbiome-friendly in order not to unbalance the skin of the user.
The MyMicrobiome Standard evaluates the influence of cosmetic and personal care products on the microbial key players of a specific skin or mucous membrane area. The human microbiome is very individual from person to person.
Each area, however, harbors a characteristic composition of bacteria, viruses and fungi. The test examines the products influence on the key organisms typical for each skin area and thus offers a standardized procedure.
Here you can find an overview of our testing standards: MyMicrobiome Standard
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